Why Office 365 Business Premium – IT Support Episode 106

Continuing from last week’s episode (Are you a target for hackers?) where Captain Christian was talking about our own email accounts being targeted by the Russians. Watch as he explains why you should consider upgrading to Office 365 Business Premium due to the extra cybersecurity features it has.

If you’ve got any questions about the pricing or the extra features that can protect your business just contact us.

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“Why Office 365 Business Premium”- IT Support Episode 106

Hi, I’m Christian from Northstar IT and this week I want to talk about why Office 365 Business Premium?


Microsoft are busy rolling out a new way of licensing their software. They’ve been adding extra value items across the board. Specifically, I want to talk about why, you might want to consider upgrading to Office 365 Business Premium. And if anything, I want you to refer to the previous episode (105) and this is talking about where our own accounts are being targeted by the Russians.

We’ve got three lines of defence against them.

We use complex passwords.
We use multi-factor authentication.
And we’re deploying geographical limitations on who can access our accounts.

Basically, that means if you’re not in Europe or North America you won’t be able to log into our account, because the IP addresses that every device on the internet has will be limited to Europe and North America only.

But this geographical lockout is only available on the Business Premium options of Office 365.

So if you want to make sure your business is protected against hacking attacks no matter where they are in the world, then make sure you upgrade to Business Premium.

There are extra features in there to make sure your data is protected.

So, if you’ve got any questions about the pricing or the extra features that can protect your business, talk to someone like us, your trusted IT support people.

Until next time.

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