Email isn’t a popularity contest! IT Support Episode 52

You know those days, the ones where the emails come in thick and fast.  The days when your stress levels are going up as it seems like the email is coming in quicker than you can deal with it?  We all have those days.  However are all those emails REALLY necessary?

Watch the this vlog from Captain Christian for a simple tip to reduce some of that email traffic and may be help reduce the stress levels too.

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Keep an eye out for next week’s episode., on your favourite channel.

And for those who would rather read all about it…

Episode 52: “Email isn’t a popularity competition”.

Email is not a competition.

[voice in the head]
Start… better now than never.

Hi, I’m Christian from “Northstar IT”.

– Hello!

I’m a relatively tidy person, although there are some days you could look at my desk you’d think I was delusional, however when it comes to filing I am meticulous about how I like to keep things neat and tidy. One example would be my inbox, there are days when it feels like email is coming in thick and thin and quicker than I can deal with it.

However, if you’d like a really simple tip about how to try and reduce the amount of email that comes in is to remember. Email is not a competition, it’s not a popularity contest, it doesn’t mean the more email you’re getting the more interesting you are. When an email comes in, you know, one that isn’t personally for you whether it, is a mailing list or distribution list, maybe it’s a clothing company, maybe it’s a stationary supply and now you’ve got your more favourite company you prefer to deal with.

Are those emails really necessary?

Any email that is sent legitimately in the UK should have a clearly defined “unsubscribe” link, check on the bottom of the email. If you don’t need that email, unsubscribe! That’s one less regular source of email bombarding and cluttering your inbox.

Do remember, that doesn’t include mine, my emails are very interesting…

So until next time.

[voice in the head]
– Unsubscribe.

Better now than never!

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