Email Etiquette – IT Support Episode 82

Everyone is familiar with email, certainly in the working world, but do you understand the ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ at the top.

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“Email Etiquette” – IT Support Episode 82

Hi, I’m Christian from “Northstar IT” and this week, I’m covering some email etiquette.

Unless you’re about four years old you should all be familiar with email by now and especially you lot in the working world.

So let me explain some basics to you.

Let’s start with the very top the “To”, the “CC” and the “BCC” fields. Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy. I know, not very relevant in today’s electronic world the BCC field quite often isn’t switched on automatically. But you can easily do that in the message settings.

A basic reminder, if there are names in the CC and BCC fields you should always use the “reply to all” and if you just hit reply, only the person who sent you the message will get that reply.

Rather frustrating when other people on the message are waiting to see your reply as well.

What I will move on to is “Microsoft Teams” on a future episode. If you’re collaborating on something that requires lots of comments and not necessarily formal emails, Teams will probably work better for you.

Remember, reply to all!

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