Drumconner Care Homes

Reliable IT systems: here’s what happened when a Sussex-based care home embarked on the Northstar support ship

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“No connection found.”

When our busy working lives depend on reliable IT systems, these three words have the potential to send frustration into warp drive.

Without warning, our business thrusters splutter to a halt, causing us to swirl off course into the cold vastness of deep space. We feel helpless.

D’you know the feeling?

If you do, you’ll know exactly how Ollie felt when his IT systems caused digital turbulence for both his staff and residence at Drumconner Homes.

Frustrated by slow performance speeds and an unreliable Wi-Fi connection, he felt it was time to steer his enterprise back on track by requesting a Northstar IT free audit.

Beam us up, Ollie…

The problem

With COVID-19 causing a shift to operational procedures in care homes, Ollie and his team were faced with several new challenges.

The first of which was to protect staff and residence by switching to a paperless workspace.

As well as doing their part to save the planet, the change meant social distancing could be maintained without sacrificing productivity and, most importantly, the level of service received by residents.

Smart move.

But to confidently ditch paper for good, Ollie would need a reliable cloud-based management system. And – as our free audit indicated – that’s something he didn’t have in place. Not yet anyway!

What’s more, with outside visits put on hold, the need for a strong Wi-Fi connection in all 60 guest rooms was more important than ever.

Without it, residents would be unable to video call loved ones, carry out day-to-day leisure needs, or even connect medical devices and audio-visual equipment.

Harvey swearing!

(Spoiler alert: Ollie didn’t let this happen!)

Before auditing was complete, our diagnostics also indicated:

  • multiple hardware devices needed to be replaced
  • anti-virus software subscriptions were close to expiring
  • server backup and recovery systems were no longer fit for purpose

Okay, time to get to work!

"Compassion: that’s the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it’s the one thing that keeps man ahead of them"

- Dr. Leonard McCoy,Star Trek: The Original Series

What we did

Following government safety guidance for extra care settings, our engineers got started by installing a series of network access points across the entire site.

This meant staff, residents, and guests could now rely on a fast and secure WiFi connection on any device, in any room.

We were also aware some residents may be more tech-savvy than others, which meant we needed to install a dedicated network where tricky log-in requirements were not necessary.

We all know how annoying that can be, right?

Anyway, with everything up and running, our engineers could finally implement a cloud system to all devices which meant Ollie and his team could now go paperless!

So long, printer.

The new network would also allow our engineers to foresee any potential issues by regularly monitoring performance through remote access.

Peace of mind restored.

Key takeaways

  • a fast and secure WiFi connection is vital for any business that relies on technology
  • cloud servers provide strong data accessibility and security
  • going paperless will protect your staff and save you money

We chose Northstar because, quite honestly, they seem more committed than other IT companies we contacted.

With Christian and his team, we feel like we have a relationship with a company who are always on-hand to provide support in an instant.

Their support packages are great value, they explain things in a way I can understand, and they’re a local business.

I highly recommend.

Ollie Harper, Manager at Drumconner Homes.

Photo of Ollie Harper

Looking for a reliable network connection to fit your business and budget? Get in touch today with Northstar IT today.


  • When planning your wireless network, where the cables go can be as important as the access points, watch this vlog for some tips.
  • When thinking of wireless access points, this video will teach you something useful to know, what is PoE?
  • If you’re tempted to ask your electrician to install your network cables, watch this first!

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