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“How do I get internet access to my garden office (Part 2)? IT Support Episode 132”
This week I’m continuing my two-part episode on how to get internet access in your new home office in the garden. So, referring again to John, he called me in advance to talk about how he was going to plan internet access in his new home office in the garden. So I had to come up with a different solution for him to use and, actually, this is not dissimilar to what I’ve got at home. I live in a 100 year old house where the walls are pretty thick. There’s no cavity and you won’t be surprised to know that wireless network signals don’t really go through those thick walls very well. So even though I’ve got a fantastic wireless network in the house, when I wanted to work out in the garden, no internet access. This is what I recommended to John: you can run a data cable out the back of the house and put a dedicated external wireless access point out there. It’s designed to be outside with the elements and also, being outside, there’s less things to cause interference with it. That way he can get internet access in his new office at the end of the garden without having to dig up part of the garden to run cables again. So remember, plan ahead, run cables, run double what you think you’re going to need, but if it’s too late, there is a wireless network solution for you. Just get in touch, comment below and we can help you out.
Until next time (click,click),