Why you don’t want ransomware (Part 1) – IT Support Episode 78

It’s Monday morning and you log on to your computer and find a note, demanding a ransom.

Over the weekend you forgot about that email that came in late on Friday. You were in a hurry to meet your deadline and just clicked on the link in it and entered some information. You didn’t realise that you had downloaded a bit of software, called ransomware.

Captain Christian red alert!

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“Why you don’t want ransomware (Part 1)” – IT Support Episode 78

You do not want to have to deal with this.

Now, for you lovely people, you know when you’re up against the deadline bit tired maybe at the end of the week, an email can come in, looking like it’s from a legitimate business. It’s got familiar branding on it, and it’s all worded pretty well too. There’s a link in there that means you’ve got to click on it and then enter some information.

You’ve downloaded a bit of software, called ransomware.

Maybe over the weekend, Friday night when you’re, your computer is quietly being encrypted and waiting for you when you come back on Monday morning a note, demanding a ransom.

If you’ve got cyber protection insurance, at least your insurance company will help solve this problem but, in the next part I’ll explain the biggest reason you should definitely want to avoid it.

So until next time…

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