As humans, there are numerous mysteries that continue to elude our full understanding—dark matter’s function, the laws of warp speed, and the existence of Peppa Pig, to name a few.
While I can’t provide an escape from a kid’s cartoon character, I can alleviate one of life’s pressing complexities—computer viruses. If you’re a dedicated reader of my newsletter (and if not, why not?), you’re aware that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses like yours.
Most savvy business owners have some form of protection in place. However, if you’re operating without antivirus software, the potential disruption could make an episode of Peppa Pig seem like a luxury spa retreat.
“Less about Peppa and more about protection, please, Captain.”
Let’s set the scene: It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re tired after a busy week. You’ve just finished reading the latest Captain’s Chair newsletter and decide to log off for the weekend. But before you do, a well-branded and well-written email appears in your inbox. Everything seems legitimate, so you click the lovely, shiny link included in the message.