The New Year Special (bloopers) – IT Support Episode 35

This is our New Year special for 2021.  After 9 months of Captain Christian embracing his new vlog, our editor Ned has been secretly stockpiling a stach of bloopers to make an outtakes roll.  So here they are, have a laugh to brighten your day, especially at the amount of times you can spot an eye roll!

You can also subscribe to the vlog on all of these popular social media channels, this way you won’t miss any future episodes (including the funny bits) or advice from Captain Christian as it is beamed down from the mothership.

You’ll be notified as each episode is released, week after week on your preferred social channel, here on the lovely planet Earth.


Keep an eye on subspace (or one of the above channels) for next week’s episode, as the vlogging journey continues.  But we all hope you have a happy and most importantly healthy 2021.

“2021 New Year’s Special” – IT Support Episode 35

Hi, I’m Christian from “Northstar IT” and this week I want to talk about …

I’m actually over six months into recording these, there’s a few outtakes that have been caught along …

Still can’t get it right.

(clearing throat)

Yep definitely recording.

Definitely call your IT guy, who prefer bi…

and spread among a sprit and then was basically an email that was spread amongst, it was an email that was spread all over the world through email.

Dodgy emails, actually that’s not correct is it

when planning your, when planning your, when planning your ca…

when planning your,

cable when planning your hard, when… oh f***

take one of those, one of those network lines, one of those lines is one of those data

complementary call with one of my team

speaks about, it I’ve covered it, I’ve covered, oh for f*** …

I’ve cupboard…Cupboard?

any chuck, IT there

and see what, and see what you could do to give it a bit of a

yes you can get one

f*** Harvey

I want to talk about spec… or biggest always rec… most desks will have a phone and

I want you to, and a lot of input first on not every desk will need a computer not


printer’s part or someone who might be in so let me p

is not, this way you know that someone hasn’t got

I hope you found them entertaining and thank you for watching my vLogs overall. I hope that there’s a few useful lessons that have been thrown in into different episodes along the lines and I hope to be able to still keep them going for the rest of this year.

I’m always after some entertaining material to inspire me and users, you are wonderful at providing me entertaining inspiration.

Keep them coming.

Until next time.

Until next time.

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