Why is my new laptop so slow already? – IT Support Episode 98

If you see a cheap computer and it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Captain Christian explains that it will probably mean that it doesn’t come with much storage.

Let us help fix it

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“Why is my new laptop so slow already?” – IT Support Episode 98

Hi George.

One of our original support clients, she gave us a ring to say, “we bought a new laptop for our grandson over the weekend and he’s already been playing with it and was ready to set sail into the cyber landscape with it”.

He’d diligently been saving Christmas money, birthday money and some pocket money.

Now, the question is



why didn’t you come to us first?

However, that’s a side question. So the lovely Linda contacted us to say.

“George would like us to look at his new laptop, it’s not quite running as fast as he’d hoped it would and, it was already running out of space”.

So let me introduce you to, this is a standard SSD PCI card. This is what will be used inside a decent laptop or desktop for storage.

Let me introduce you to this. This is the sort of card that you will find in a digital camera like the one I’m using here, or inside an android phone for extra memory storage. Believe it or not, you’ll find something a bit like this in some of those cheap laptops. The consequence, is they’re cheap, so it makes the laptop cheaper but they’re slow and they tend to not have enough space to use one of these devices as a conventional laptop.

So to quote my mother. “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

If you want a balanced opinion that can make sure that you don’t fall foul of, “buy cheap, buy twice”, then speak to the experts.

I can personally say even if it means we’re going to turn your business away and go to somewhere we can’t compete with, we’d rather make sure you go into it informed and not to waste your money.

Until next time.

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