Always use protection

Hello, Reader.

It’s no secret that a bit of preparation can spare you a heap of trouble down the road.

With the holiday season just 101 Earth days away, I’ve already started making strides in my gift shopping. Keyboards, branded mouse pads, 2024 Northstar desk calendars – you name it, they’re all wrapped and ready. The Fleming family is in for a delightful surprise.

“Wait, did you mention… Christmas?”

I did, but don’t fret; I’m using it to underscore this week’s message about the importance of being prepared.

While my early gift planning might save me from the frantic Christmas Eve scramble at the local store, there are more critical matters to prepare for in life, such as the ever-looming threat of cybercrime.

With the UK experiencing over 2.39 million instances of cybercrime each year, your business is left exposed to constantly evolving threats without proper protection.

IT Support gift box
Ambassador Harvey in a Christmas Hat

But before you add just any antivirus software to your holiday wish list, consider the following:

One is better than two

It’s essential to have only one type of antivirus product installed on your computer at any given time. Using more than one will lead to virtual chaos.

Paid solutions outweigh free ones

While a free antivirus solution may seem like a money-saver, it may end up costing you more in the long run. If a premium product is beyond your budget, get in touch with our team, and we’ll explore affordable options.

Keep your software updated

Don’t neglect those reminders to renew your antivirus subscription. Much like Christmas shopping, it’s best not to procrastinate.

“Wait, I have to ask again. Did you really say… Christmas?”

Indeed, I did. If you’d like to delve deeper into the world of antivirus software or discuss the right protective measures for your business, feel free to reach out to us at 01903 25 99 23. Now, where did I put that mistletoe?

Until next time 🖖

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