Do you want the worry about your computers being up to date with the latest security patches, making your sure client data is safe and not leaving your exposed to a UK GDPR breach? Do you want to have to face the ICO if you have had a data breach? Of course not! Leave that headache to us, giving you the peace of mind to get on with what you love to do.
As an Architect with a passion for design, we understand that you need to rely on your computers and IT to be there, working and performing for you, at the performance level you need, especially when you’re under a tight deadline. With clients wanting their plans finalised at lightning speed, we understand you want that worry taken away, so you can work on your passion, not ours!
We’re also more than familiar with the specialised needs of AutoCAD, Adobe CS, SketchUp, Vectorworks and BIM too, so we can make sure you have the hardware that performs to your expectations and the needs of your software as well.